Who Won The Debate? Sport or War between Good and Evil

One would have to ask, when did politics become a sport and is this healthy for our nation’s sacred political institutions? My fear is that many in America do consider our political process a sport and tend to choose sides in ways that are reminiscent of how they follow sport teams.

My engineering team and I were unable to watch the debate between Barack Obama and John McCain on TV in real-time last night because ironically we were presenting our concepts on enterprise governance to an engineering chapter in San Diego. The irony is that the lack of effective enterprise governance is the exact reason why our country is facing the financial crisis it finds itself in today.

The number of text and voice messages I received from others about the debate was astounding. We turned on the radio and listened to the news reporters, pundits, and supporters from each campaign.



The overwhelming cheer that we heard about Barack was, “Barack Obama should have been more aggressive and laid McCain out”. I sense that the supporters of Barack not only want to win, they want BLOOD. Clearly, they know that Barack was the best candidate in the debates last night and has been the better candidate on the campaign trail. I sense that this is no longer about Barack Obama and John McCain. Barack represents not only an opportunity to beat McCain but his supporters sense an opportunity to destroy George Bush and the Republican Party fueled lately by their intense desire to DESTROY Sarah Palin.

They want a complete EXORCISM and John McCain, Sarah Palin, George Bush, and the Republican Party represent the evil that must be evicted from our political institutions.


Their pent-up frustrations from the lies, deceit, distortion, and hypocrisy of the Bush Administration and the constant practice of using lies, deceit, distortion, and hypocrisy by the McCain campaign may have turned this religious. If that is case, I’m afraid we may see Roman Coliseum type behavior soon if not already. If this is true we will witness ETHNIC CLEANSING on Nov 4, 2008 and the Republican Party may not exist as it did on Nov 3, 2008. I think this is the reason for the revolt that is now occuring on Capitol Hill around the Financial Bailout with the House Republicans. They are trying to save their heads.

I will provide my impressions of the debate in a separate post.

© Wildweezle Enterprises

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  1. I say Obama won the debate and here is my analysis:

    Analysis: The First Presidential Debate

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